the place to find and create all that is hip, stylish and beautifully made

The Shabby Chic Market Day
A Once A Month Market In The Shabby Chic Theme Running During The Period Of Spring Through To Autumn .
We Hibernate Over The Winter Period.
Over 35 Stalls... Collectables, Costumes, Jewellery, Homewares, Including Upcycled/Recycled Goodies, Quirky Original Craft Works, Old School Baking, Artisan Breads And Pastries And Much More!
In Addition The Rochester Villa Is A Treasure Trove Of Vintagewares And Associated Fancies.
Devonshire Teas Accompanied By Sweet Sounds In The Cutest Courtyard.'
Contact Helen at
for more details
Stallholders for this event

Sunday 6th Oct 2013
Rochester Villa
21 Connal Street, Woolston
11am - 3pm